Satisfied Students & Clients Say...

In every training, coaching, retreat and special event she offers, Leslee's mission is to:

  • Provide a path to create positive change for others in their personal and professional lives

  • To support you in discovering how to create lasting positive change - both conscious and subconscious - in your life to create more of what you WANT out of life.

Browse these pages to see what Leslee's satisfied students and clients have to say about their experience.

From the 8th Women’s Empowerment Retreat, July 17-19, 2020…


Graduate, Intuitive Life coaching Certification

Graduate, Intuitive Life coaching Certification

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Jen’s Story…

From an outstanding coaching client and ROCK STAR real estate broker, here's a story of what's possible when you are willing to commit to yourself and to living your BEST life!

Two and half years ago I found myself really sick. My fatigue was overwhelming. I had constant aches in my body. I lost 50% mobility and literally would spend my afternoons in bed.

Over the course of a 3-month period I had seen countless Dr’s and specialists only to be told they can’t find anything in my bloodwork to indicate anything wrong with me. After 6 months of this I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder of Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

During this time a dear friend of mine recommended I call Leslee for a consultation. Little did  I know how this phone call would transform my life.

Click on each image to view the entire story…

Aneta had this experience just after a Salt Caves cleansing session with Leslee.

Aneta had this experience just after a Salt Caves cleansing session with Leslee.

After a recent ABUNDANCE Manifesting Circle, Leslee received this feedback from A.P...

After a recent ABUNDANCE Manifesting Circle, Leslee received this feedback from A.P...

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What Satisfied BBB Students Say...

Leslee's Brain-Body-Balance (BBB) program is about creating homeostasis in Mind, Body and Spirit.  Click here to read about the positive changes changes experienced by Leslee's BBB students!